Using the Container layout type, elements can be freely positioned within the container, with the elements arranged in layers. When inserting new elements into a container with free layout, the elements are centered within the container. With the help of the Position options X and Y in the toolbar of the editor the elements can be positioned exactly. You can also move selected elements using the arrow keys of the keyboard. 

In addition, it is possible to move elements with the help of the mouse (drag and drop), whereby the elements are moved in 5 px steps. If you press the Alt key at the same time, the elements are moved in 1 px steps.


The layout type controls how elements can be positioned in the container. Changing the layout type can change the positions and possibly the sizes of all elements within the container. A change converts the element into a container, a sequence, a swap container (navigation, condition), a container (vertical), a container (horizontal), a container (wrap), or a presentation container.